Becoming an Employer and Recruitment Support

Becoming an employer and employing your own staff directly usually gives you the most control over your assistance, but it also gives you responsibilities under the law. This may sound daunting, but there is a lot of support available to you, making being an employer as simple and as effective as possible for you. As long as you get advice or support whenever you might need it, you have every chance of getting what you want out of being an employer.

DAD Direct Payment Support Service Payroll dates for 2023 - 2024, Darlington

Date to report hours by 12pm Personal Assistant pay date
28.03.24 (due to BH) 05.04.24
29.04.24 03.05.24
24.05.24 (due to BH) 31.05.24
24.06.24 28.06.24
22.07.24 26.07.24
19.08.24 23.08.24
16.09.24 20.09.24
14.10.24 18.10.24
11.11.24 15.11.24
09.12.24 13.12.24
06.01.25 10.01.25
03.02.25 07.02.25
03.03.25 07.03.25
31.03.25 04.04.25

It is important that you contact us with the hours by 5pm on the above dates to ring in by, to ensure your payroll is processed in time for you to pay your PA's on the due date.

For those who we support with a manged account - we must have your hours in by 12 noon (preferably earlier), on the ring in date, to ensure your PA is paid on time.

Please remember to tell us about any holiday, sick pay or leavers at each payroll. 

We would always endeavour to provide you with a courtesy call as a prompt if you have not called in with your hours however it is important that you do not rely on this service as we cannot guarantee we will be in a position to provide this every payroll

Other ways to give us your hours:


Leave a message on 01325 360524 leaving your name and contact number s that we can call you to verify the hours.

We will send you details of payments to be made by the Friday of payroll week (so long as we have your hours by 5pm on the ring in date). It is important you check the wage slips and letter and let us know of any errors as soon as possible.

Please note if you receive your payroll details from us before this and choose to pay your personal assistant early, please make them aware that this is not their normal pay day, as there may be occasions when we are only able to get payroll details to you by the Friday.



How you can support us

As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.

Click here to find out how you can support us

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