Other self advocacy opportunities

Self-Advocacy Groups for Autistic People and people who have a learning impairment (disability)

 Darlington Peoples Parliament Group

People come to this meeting have their views listened to. 

      To speak up about things that are important to them.

To find out about their rights

And join the fight for disabled peoples’ rights.

 Darlington's Peoples Parliament meet on the last Wednesday of the month.


Darlington's Learning Impairment Network

These meetings are for people with learning impairments, Autistic people, carers and other interested parties.

They talk to people who work for the council, health services, the police and other invited guests. 

They all share information to try to influence change and make things better for people who live in Darlington.

The Learning Impairment Network meet once every few months.  

It meets on a Wednesday.

12.30pm to 3pm.

At St Augustine’s Parish Centre.  


Wednesday Self-Advocacy Group     


We are a friendly group with lots going on.

It is a chance to meet new people.

Learn new things

Understand your rights

Practice speaking up for yourself

Free hot and cold drinks available.

The group meets most Wednesdays.

11.30 am to 2.30 pm

At St. Augustine’s Parish Centre.


Tuesday Group

The group meets up for a coffee and a chat. 

10am to 12pm

 For more details about any of the groups contact Jenny Byers or Hannah Barratt



How you can support us

As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.

Click here to find out how you can support us

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