Useful Links for Self-directed Support


Where to go for information on Self-directed Support

Darlington Association on Disability 01325 360524

What is self-directed support? In Control

Social Care Institute for Excellence

Using the Care Act Guidance - The Department of Health and Social Care

Where to go for information about your Direct Payment

Darlington Association on Disability Direct Payment Support Service 01325 360524

Where to go for information about being an employer

Direct Payment Support Service can help with Advertising, job descriptions, person specification and adverts There are also Options of recruitment support available, e.g. interviewing and use of interview room and handling applications.

Employing staff for the first time - 7 steps.

Employing people, A guide to new employers from ACAS

Creating fair workplaces, Equality and Discrimination

Where to go for information about Employers Liability Insurance

FISH Insurance 0800 088 3245

Premier Care 0845 838 4709

Health and Safety Executive

Direct Payment Support Service 01325 360524

Where to go for information about paying your staff or setting up a payroll

PAYE and payroll for employers

Running Payroll, HMRC

Where to go for information about inducting and training your employees

Direct Payment Support Service 01642 049920

ACAS Recruitment and Induction - 08457 47 47 47

Or visit online at ACAS to look at tips for getting the induction right or use the online helpline

Where to go for information around Employment law, disciplinary issues and what to do if you are unhappy with your personal assistant

Direct Payment Support Service 01325 360524

ACAS Disciplining Staff advice - 08457 47 47 47

FISH Insurance (Peninsula Employment Law Advice) 24 hour employment law advice Call our FREE on the employment advice line 24/7 on 0800 028 2420 and press option 1

ACAS codes of Practice Employing people and the Law

Unison Manual handling Law

Where to go for information on Redundancy and holiday entitlement

Making staff redundant GOV.Uk advice

GOV.UK holiday entitlement calculator

Where to go for information on Maternity leave and pay

GOV.UK Maternity, paternity and adoption calculator for employers

Maternity and what someone is entitled to - Citizens Advice

GOV.UK statutory maternity leave and guidance

Maternity Rights ACAS Helpline - 08457 47 47 47

Direct Payment Support Service 01325 360524

Where to go for information on Safeguarding

Direct Payment Support Service 01325 360524

Safeguarding vulnerable groups- Disclosure and Barring Service Telephone 0870 9090811

Return to Support DAD can provide to help you manage your Direct Payment


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